independent adjuster — A person, firm or corporation who holds himself or itself out for employment as claims adjuster to more than one insurance company, is not a regular employee of the company, does not work exclusively for one company and is paid in each case… … Black's law dictionary
independent adjuster — A person, firm or corporation who holds himself or itself out for employment as claims adjuster to more than one insurance company, is not a regular employee of the company, does not work exclusively for one company and is paid in each case… … Black's law dictionary
independent adjuster — An adjuster of claims against insurance companies, who usually represents the company, although, at times, the insured, occupying in neither instance the status of a regular employee of his principal … Ballentine's law dictionary
independent — in·de·pen·dent adj 1: not dependent on others (as parents) for livelihood; esp: not a dependent declared she was independent on her financial aid form 2 a: not affiliated with another usu. larger unit an independent adjuster b: not contingent on… … Law dictionary
adjuster — One appointed to adjust a matter; to ascertain or arrange or settle. One who makes any adjustment or settlement, or who determines the amount of a claim, as a claim against an insurance company. A representative of the insurer who seeks to… … Black's law dictionary
adjuster — One appointed to adjust a matter; to ascertain or arrange or settle. One who makes any adjustment or settlement, or who determines the amount of a claim, as a claim against an insurance company. A representative of the insurer who seeks to… … Black's law dictionary
Adjuster — An insurance claims agent. A claims adjuster is charged with evaluating an insurance claim to determine the insurance company s liability under the terms of an owner s policy. There are different types of adjusters. They may represent the… … Investment dictionary
Claims adjuster — Claims adjusters investigate insurance claims by interviewing the claimant and witnesses, consulting police and hospital records, and inspecting property damage to determine the extent of the company’s liability.[1] In the United Kingdom, Ireland … Wikipedia
claim adjuster — Independent agent or employee of insurance company who negotiates and settles claims against the insurer. See adjuster claimant adjuster … Black's law dictionary
claim adjuster — Independent agent or employee of insurance company who negotiates and settles claims against the insurer. See adjuster claimant adjuster … Black's law dictionary
Public adjuster — A public adjuster is an insurance claims adjuster who is an advocate for and paid by the policyholder in appraising and negotiating an insurance claim. Public Adjusters exist because of the inherent conflict of interest that exists when one… … Wikipedia